Tino Di Biase; Photographer
Tino Di Biase – KCS photography founder and creative director – has loved pictures since the day he was born, is usually how he’s been described by those whom have know him since childhood. ‘If you wanted to keep him quiet’ his mother has said ‘I’d just give him a magazine with photos’ and he’d be there looking at if for the whole day without complaint.
His approach to wedding photography has always been to offer the couple the best of both worlds – meaning: both candid and posed photography.
KCS Photography History

KCS photography has been shooting weddings for the past 28 years on a full time basis. Started by its present owner and creative director Tino Di Biase back in 1987, it has now been taken on by the next generation, mainly his 4 children and other long time associates. Our mantra in dealing with our clients has and still is ‘give the client what you’ve promised and more’.
With us, everything revolves around the personality of the couple: we sit with the couple and try to find out what they’re personalities are – extroverts, introverts?…do they like being photographed?…do they prefer candid, posed or a combination of both?

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